1 definition by clazy 88

1. Any of a variety of sexual parlences, ranging from A). Fat people attempting 69; B.) A double-rim job; C.) Oral sex performed twice (ate twice).

2. Because 88 is pronounced in Chinese Mandarin language as "ba ba," (phonetically synonymous with the English "bye bye") it is used as a farewell in Chinese texting language.

3. Nazi skinhead code for Heil Hitler. H being the 8th letter of the alphabet, therefore 88=HH=Heil Hitler. Often found at the end of Nazi members' e-mail addressees and signatures.

4. The 88mm Anti-aircraft vehicle was a greatly feared Nazi weapon during WWII; because of this weapon, Nazi's were sometimes referred to as 88's.

5. David Lane, a convicted neo-nazi, wrote "88 Precepts," a book outlining the methods needed to establish an all-white community.

6. A word jazz pianists use to replace "piano." They call pianos "88s" because that is the number of keys on a piano.

7. In mathematics/philosophy, 88 is a double lemniscate used to represent the "dual-infinity." That is... the infinite, and the infinitesimal.

8. The number of official constellations (as defined by the International Astronomical Union).
From: Fail@life.com
To: I'mADumbass88@nazisaretools.com
August 08, 1988

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I check out that "88 Precepts" book you suggested to me, and all I can say is "wow! this it the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever read!"

Go do 88 with a fat chick, ya cunt.

by clazy 88 March 26, 2009
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