24 definitions by chrisguy

Console that looks like it will be mad expensive, but looks wicked graphics wise. However, much debate is going on over the footage presented at E3 2005.
PS3 looks way better than the previous varients, and may actually have games that appeal to Nintendo fans and PS3 fans. That coming from a guy who owns a Gamecube and a xbox and has only bought one playstaion (PS1) and took it back because he thought it was a piece of shit.
by chrisguy May 20, 2005
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People that are ruining the industry. They believe that they are the high authority on video games and support either xbox or ps2 mainly.
by chrisguy March 7, 2005
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when you are fucking a girl/guy and you so happen to slip on her/his sweaty body and slip up her body, ending up with ur dick in a crooked position or u landing falt on ur ass
i never fuck stutter
by chrisguy March 5, 2004
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Sequal to conker's bad fur day. Teminator like story with the tedis being the machines and the sqrills (can't spell today :)!) as the humans... is debatable as whether or not it will actually be better than Halo 2
Conker's live and reloaded looks so awesome
by chrisguy September 27, 2004
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A unmaned machine that landed on mars. First thing it did was take a picture of itself... that way you know its truely american
mars rover
by chrisguy April 26, 2004
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Kickass company that helped produce Metroid Prime. Did an awesome job on it too!
by chrisguy February 9, 2004
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The missing evolutionary link, as seen on royal canadian air farce. Was bashed over the head by a caveman with a club
The missing evolutionary link
by chrisguy February 1, 2005
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