2 definitions by chippendale keith

Only the most amazing, melodically creative band that exists/has ever existed/will ever exist. They show such a sparkling array of talent that it puts every talented person to shame.
The 3 greatest men ever. 'Sex' in human form.
Jon: I saw Muse live last night, then went home and listened to them on my hi-fi. I had such a boner on both occasions. They are the best.
James: I so agree. I used to slag them off, but now i love them more than i love my family. They rock.
by chippendale keith July 17, 2005
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Used instead of 'oh my gosh' or 'oh for fuck sake'. Origin - South Wales.
Rupert: Look at that dead body on those rocks over there
Keith: Oh my nan!

Rupert: We have maths homework.
Keith: Oh my nan that's so gay.
by chippendale keith July 13, 2005
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