2 definitions by cavanobrien

Out of Sight

A slang term used to describe something positive, very good, cool, great or excellent.

Also see: "outta sight".


Great, cool, neat, the best, far out, excellent, stellar, nothing better.
1. John: Did you go to the concert last night? How was the band?

Adam: Yeah, they were out of sight!

2. Did you see that '70 Boss 302 Mustang that just drove by? Out of sight!
by cavanobrien August 7, 2014
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1. to care about someone else's feelings when they experience sadness or negative emotion due to an unfortunate event or situation.

2. two or more people have a goal, interest or opinion in common.

3. to feel support for a person or thing.
1. "I am sorry for your loss."

2. "I would like to extend my sympathy to the family."
by cavanobrien August 7, 2014
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