24 definitions by carmen

too long, didn't read
most often used in forums, when someone writs a really long post
tl, dr. that was a freaking essay.
by carmen March 23, 2004
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You were SO prank-a-tized
by carmen September 15, 2004
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What would FSM do?
by carmen September 26, 2005
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A fusion of the body and soul of the parties concerned. Usually occurs between people who live on the same floor and results in mutual annoyance of their roommates.
"Hey have you seen Caroline?"

"Don't you mean Jaroline?"
by carmen December 16, 2004
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Those wierd big and fluffy pants that came from the 80's, you know when everyone had those really bad hairstyles!
"omigod kelly look at her pants! aren't those parachute pants? arrrggghhhhh run away!!"
by carmen December 17, 2003
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The college party-goers were craving the alcohol promised and so begain chanting, "W.W.J.D.!"
by carmen November 9, 2003
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