4 definitions by bublnsqeek

When using winzip to compress files they become ziped which makes them smaller.
misc.zip is a ziped file.
by bublnsqeek July 13, 2005
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When using winrar to compress files they become rared which makes them smaller.

winrar is better at this than winzip
misc.rar is a rared file.
by bublnsqeek July 13, 2005
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Used by people on IM programs to tell the other person to "shut up, my parents are watching".
Maddog: Hey Sarah are you up for some sex?
Sarah: Sure thing when do you want it?
Maddog: 99
Maddog: Sorry my mum walked in.
by bublnsqeek July 20, 2005
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Online Role Playing Game, normally just an online RPG, no MM (mass multi player) element.
A good example would be Vitalise games made with click team products, non come to mind as I write this.
by bublnsqeek July 6, 2005
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