38 definitions by bryan gilbreath

A practice in which sexual favors are exchanged between two (maybe more) consenting people within the confines of a bathroom stall.
Idaho Republican Senator Larry Craig indulges in 'stall tactics' by placing his head under a toilet partition and into the adjacent toilet stall and asking that stall attendee (preferably a smooth young lad)if he would like a nice sack wash. He usually follows up with the statement, "I'm not gay!"
by bryan gilbreath August 29, 2007
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A person that feels the need to hug anyone they encounter.
Joy realized, after hugging the police officer who was giving her a ticket, that she had become a 'hug addict'.
by bryan gilbreath May 26, 2011
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A 'Pitt maneuver' is when a female forces an unwilling/unwitting male to attend a romantic movie. These movies generally star some glamourous ,handsome dude like Brad Pitt. They are typically the kinds of movies that a male will avoid attending at any cost. This maneuver is similar in methodology to the police department's 'PIT' maneuver, whereby a police vehicle forces the apprehended vehicle's occupant into compliance against their will.
A: Hey man, missed you at the pool hall last night, what happened?
B: Ugh.....don't remind me about last night. The missus pulled a 'Pitt maneuver' on me and I ended up watching Sex in the City part 8. There's 3 hours of life I'll never get back....
by bryan gilbreath June 7, 2010
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A refraining order is when someone tells you not to say something to someone other than yourself.
Suzy: You better not comment on my sister's fat ass again. You're under a temporary 'refraining order' until we leave her house.
Jimmy: Yes dear.
by bryan gilbreath April 16, 2009
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A person who believes that they are being unique by doing the same thing that everyone else is doing.The irony is that EVERYONE else is doing the same mindless crap, so they are definitely NOT unique. Those people are called undividuals.
Look at Jimmy over there getting a 'tribal' arm band tattoo, putting a Harley Davidson sticker on his Escalade running chrome spinnin 24's while wearing his West Coast Chopper T-shirt, side turned baseball cap, baggy pants and ape hanging his arm out the window, gangsta style, while he's driving. Boy, he sure looks like one bad ass customer! No dude, check out the guy across the street on his Honda Davidson, he's exactly the same! They sure are undividuals!
by bryan gilbreath September 18, 2007
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The act of cutting off someone's joke by beating them to the punchline.
A: Hey, did you tell your co-workers that joke I told you last night?
B: Yeah.
A: Well, how did it go over?
B: It was a 'partial mirth abortion'. I was pausing, as you should for comedic effect... just about ready to tell the punchline..... and some jerk beat me to it.
by bryan gilbreath February 12, 2011
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A phenomena in which everyone on the ski lift has a flask of booze and shares it with the rest of the chair.
G: Dude, why is your bloody leg bone sticking out of your ski pants like that?
B: No idea dude, it might have been the multi-flasking I indulged in prior to the bunny hill.
by bryan gilbreath February 25, 2009
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