2 definitions by blueskyiies

(n.) stands for "harry potter puppet pals" a fairly popular puppet comedy, rendered by neil cicarega and friends of harry potter characters and hogwarts. Voiced by Neil himself and others.

(n.)fairly popular by the HP fan community. Can be found on YOUTUBE.
Hey, have you seen the new hppp?
The what?
Harry potter puppet pals, silly!
Oh, yeah! I have!
by blueskyiies February 8, 2009
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(n.) a female name derived from the names Jacquelyn and Justine.
Properly pronounced: Ja-qua-lean (qua, using the long A sound)

Sometimes pronounced: (Jac-a-lean)
Shortened name or nickname: Jackie or Jaci

Associated niknames are as follows: Jackie, Jaci, Jac, Jack, Jax,
Food nicknames are as follows: Jaqueleen Jellybean, Jacqueleen Cuisine, Jaquita Tortilla, Juicy Jaci/Jackie
by blueskyiies February 8, 2009
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