3 definitions by bigwillie4200

The act of spitting in your partners mouth during intercourse, like a mother bird feeding it chicks by regurgitation.
"I heard she likes getting a bird feeder."

"I met up with a guy last night and he asked me to give him a bird feeder."
by bigwillie4200 October 1, 2011
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A slang word for crack cocaine, also made famous by a song's lyrics, "Smoking cat food."
"Hey im gonnah run by the crib and pick up your catfood."

"You need any catfood?"

"Bout to go to the spot and bake me some cat food."
by bigwillie4200 October 1, 2011
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A common derogative slang word for shooting someone, or a bullet. The term hot rocks comes from the idea of the bullet being "hot rock" flying at you.
"I've got some hot rocks for that ass."

"I buzzed by the club and some rag's were throwing hot rocks."
by bigwillie4200 October 1, 2011
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