2 definitions by beingeco

The resulting scar pattern from when you burn or otherwise injure yourself while cooking in the kitchen. Commonly found on the arms and hands of chefs and other professional food workers.
"Tom didn't realize his arm was resting on the hot oven until he felt it burning; the mark it left was just one more kitchen tattoo from a lifetime working with piping hot oils and equipment!"
by beingeco October 18, 2021
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(v.) Toking off two cannabis vape pens simultaneously, one out each side of the mouth so they look like walrus tusks. Also called "doing the walrus."
"I got a couple vape carts, now I'm walrusing them."
"You got a vape pen, I got vape pen. Let's walrus those!"
"My girlfriend and I like to do the walrus at Bassnectar shows."
by beingeco July 30, 2018
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