1 definition by babygirl2244

the one who never leaves your mind, the one who you never meant to fall in love wit the one who took your heart long before you gave it to him. He is the one you will never give up one because he sent some criptic text saying we're over... he is the one you look for in a crowd cuz you just have to even though you know he isnt there the one will do anything for you he is and always will be the one you love no matter wat. he may cause you to cry and not sleep, eat or think for days on end but he is the one to make you smile no matter how long it takes he is not happy untill you are he will let you drink all 12 cups of tea even though he thinks you need to chill aqnd he made your dance the best day of your life he is the one and hope that one day hell see it even though he may never realize its me
I love you and i cant change your mind i just need you to know nick
by babygirl2244 February 11, 2013
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