4 definitions by asssucker.48

A better version of the Wisconsin floor buffer. It involves quolls and toads. It doesn’t take much to figure out who comes out of the losing end on that one. Spoiler alert toads suck.
Tommie if you don’t figure out how to spell your name Imma Milwaukee floor buffer yo toad behind”- worlds best quoll
by asssucker.48 November 29, 2018
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A person who cant understand how to spell their own name correctly
Hey Tommie, why are you spelling your name tommiey?
by asssucker.48 May 17, 2018
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An alias for a serial quoll eater. He avoids squirrels and usually can tell a difference. He also goes by tommie salamie. He says he’s fun like Chuck E. Cheese but the only thing fun about him is his name and maybe his nose.
Hide your kids, wives and quolls when you see that old toad charlieie e chuckwagon.
by asssucker.48 November 27, 2018
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