2 definitions by assisanine123

A fool who ignores the emotions of his friends and when you ask for mental help, he'll give you a very cold-hearted opinion instead of what you need to hear. A guy who you could trust if you watch what you say around him, he doesn't hold back when it comes to his opinion, if he thinks your being stupid, he'll tell to your face that your being stupid. But overall, he's a good guy that wants to help but is ignorant to some of his friends emotions.
Zack: You're being dumb.
by assisanine123 January 10, 2019
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The forced president of the universe (Well half of all people). His terms of service have just begun but i think we can all agree that he won't be our president for just 4 years.
by assisanine123 January 10, 2019
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