1 definition by asdfdshfshfdsahfdahfda

When rich white people move to the suburbs so they can be as far away from the blacks and the homeless as possible and spend the rest of their dull, meaningless lives living in cookie-cutter houses with their lawnmowers and their gas guzzling minivans in the driveway. This phenomenon began in the 1950s with Levittown, a whites-only community that offered cheap and affordable suburban homes to white families - blacks and other minorities were strictly prohibited from buying homes there, thus they were not able to buy into the burgeoning real estate market and be entitled to the massive amounts of potential wealth therein like white people were, further solidifying their status as second-class citizens. Since then, white people have flocked to the suburbs, where millions of acres of land are reserved for growing lawns and billions of gallons of gasoline are used to commute from these suburban areas to the city where the jobs are, resulting in a massive waste of resources and extremely congested highways. As they are located far away from the cities, life in these suburbs is excruciatingly boring and the younger members of the white families often commit suicide because of it. White flight is a blight on American society and many people, including white people who choose to remain in the inner cities, are heavily burdened by it.
Thanks to white flight, America has turned into a bland, ugly, and boring Wal-Mart dystopia.
by asdfdshfshfdsahfdahfda September 4, 2015
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