4 definitions by armn_

Adding a spam tag. For example tagging songs on some streaming radio station on the internet with the mere purpose to add false and misleading tags just to seriously disturb and annoy innocent radio consumers on the internet.
evil person: har har! yesterday i spagged 130 songs on last fm. i spagged all songs by napalm death, 50 cent, ministry and nine inch nails with 'for sensitive music consumers only'!

sensitive music consumer: i'll go and listen to some nice music on my streaming radio.... (ten seconds later) AARRGGHH! those dirty spaggers give me the creeps!
by armn_ December 20, 2005
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Being in serious trouble.
Person #1: Yo, homie how ya doing?
Person #2: I am in serious trouble, man! Yesterday I wrecked my car, lost my job and my girlfriend married my best friend.
Person #1: You really got wet feet, homie!
Person #2: You're right. Can you lend me a rifle, so that I can kill myself, please?
by armn_ July 4, 2006
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v.: comparative to refuse, reject, dismiss etc. Stems from refuse mixed with fuck.
Mostly used if you are rejected by another person or thing such as a computer software to such an extent that it appears that the other person or software excessively hates you.
guy#1: Please go and store your stuff on our web platform!
guy#2: I have tried your procedure, I could paste a list of our tools in the local saved copy. But the freaking browser refuced to save it! It seems technology hates me!!!1
guy#1: I think so too!
by armn_ March 10, 2006
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Will Never Go!
Expression to use if someone is seriously misled or has otherwise nutty plans and ideas.
Person #1: Listen, I have got this really good business plan where we will make loads of cash and stuff! And the best thing is: it's legal and it only depends on us working hard enough! What do you think? Are you in?
Person #2: Forget it!! WNG!!
by armn_ May 8, 2006
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