2 definitions by antiboy

Trendy Asian Bitch

A girl who:

- only shops at A/X, Bebe, Banana Republic and Club Monaco

- only wears black and will occasionally wear white to "mix it up"

- will not weigh more than 105 lbs

- never paid for dinner at restaurants in her life

- is a makeup expert, in fact, she appears completely flawless

- never smiles in public

- is the object of desire of all Asian men and knows it

- only dates Asian men and will only date a boy with a nice car

- is often seen with Rice-boys

- will never travel alone. Always either in the company of other tabs or your
Rice-boy boyfriend
Asian Guy #1: Oh man, my girlfriend was bitching again today. I'm so sick of it.

Asian Guy #2: Damn man, just get rid of that lifeless, black-wearing TAB.
by antiboy February 4, 2005
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pl. U·wes

1. A person who is so incredibly inept at his or her craft, but blindly and madly continues to produce, despite the pleas of many around him. Defying all odds and logic, often a Uwe will surround him or herself with incredible talent and funding.

2. A situation describing a person of that inclincation. (ie. pulling a Uwe)

Origins: Middle English, from Old English (Uwe Boll - the horrendously untalented hack German film director) See uwe- in Indo-European Roots.
Person #1: Oh God, is your sister still making those awful homemade denim platform shoes with the tassels and beads and sequins?

Person #2: Yeah, all her friends keep telling her to stop making the shoes because they're so ugly but somehow she gets money from it.

Person #1: Wow, she's totally pulling a Uwe.
by antiboy August 3, 2005
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