11 definitions by always love life

Priyshis are the most incredible people on the planet. They may appear quiet and introverted at first, yet they are natural extroverts. She might talk a little too much but she will always have a point. They are intelligent individuals with a good outlook. They're like straight A students. Having a Priyshi in your life is perhaps the best thing that has ever happened to you. They have a lot of talent and are amazing dancers (even if they are shy to perform). Priyshis have a lot of things going on in their lives. The fact that they are able to handle it is what makes Priyshi so unique. She is aware of the distinction between right and wrong. She will go to great lengths for her pals. Priyshis are THE BEST"
Person 1: That girl is AMAZING
Person 2: oh she's probably a Priyshi
by always love life February 16, 2022
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She's hilarious and has the best smile. She's worried others may hate on her but nothing about her is strange. She has the best of friends and will make you happier. She's great at school and is a straight A student. When people tell her she can't she doesn't care. She only needs one yes to do it!
Person 1: I love hanging with Shloka
Person 2: She's THE best!!!
by always love life February 17, 2022
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Sifat is a wonderful natural-born leader. She is strong and pretty. Nobody is better. Her personality lights up the room. Everyone wants to know her.
Person 1: Wow! She's awesome!
Person 2: Duh! It's Sifat!
Person 1: Ohhhhhhhhh!
by always love life February 28, 2022
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Fatima is the best person to be around. She's really cool and a little stupid sometimes. She's really funny, never on purpose though. She has the voice of an angel and is really good at math. She has fantastic advice for those willing to listen. Overall she has the best personality and is full of love. She's great at sports and everyone wants her on their team!
Person 1: Geez! I need some help with math
Person 2: Get FATIMA to help she's a powerhouse!
by always love life February 17, 2022
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