4 definitions by aja

The warm fuzzy feeling one gets after sitting in an already warmed chair.
Beth was delightfully surprised by the shooberriness after sitting down in her second hour class.
by aja March 30, 2004
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A girls name witch is not a contanent
Hi aja your pretty kool. i like your name
by aja February 7, 2005
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the biggest simp of simps , often likes to make up stories and try to make himself look better so girls can be more attracted to them.
Boy 1 : Dude did you hear what he was just saying ?

Boy 2: Dude , I know he’s saying stuff he’s never done before and never will.

Boy 1: He’s such a Lerma Simp dude .
by aja October 31, 2019
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a girl who think that she is the ish and she is a hoe basically
Look at that breezy fide girl over there thinking she is the shit
by aja August 22, 2004
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