3 definitions by airencracken


To Neff (eg Neffing)
Neffer (one who neffs)

To neff is to post uselessly in order to increase one's post count in an online forum.
Someguy: ...posts funny story about his girlfriend...
Neffer: lol!!

Bumps are a form of neffing quite often.

Also known as postcount++
by airencracken June 5, 2006
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To Neff (eg Neffing)
Neffer (one who neffs)

To neff is to post uselessly in order to increase one's post count in an online forum.
Someguy: posts funny story about his girlfriend
Neffer: lol!!
by airencracken June 5, 2006
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An ontomontopia that describes someone getting hit in the face with a brick.
"Hey catch!"


"Shit that hurt!"
by airencracken December 25, 2004
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