10 definitions by ahundredovens

a person who is good at detecting flaws in people's arguments (erstwhile drawing positive attention,) but also makes the same flaws in an obscure environment
Guy 1: "So, what was did he remind you of again?"
Guy 2: "He reminds me of those people who often involve themselves in drama a lot, and then uses that experience to find fallacies in peoples arguments in the future, while also making erratic and flawed exchanges on another side"
Guy 1: "Dicautocrit?"
Guy 2: "Yes. That word!"
by ahundredovens June 27, 2023
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An individual who, when faced with scrutiny or suspicion, takes actions to appear innocent or virtuous solely to evade investigation or potential consequences, rather than out of genuine goodness or moral character.

-- This term is often used to describe someone who employs manipulative tactics or engages in superficial acts to deflect attention away from their questionable behavior or to deter further probing into their actions.
Person A: "Did you hear about Mark? He donated a large sum of money to charity after news of his financial misconduct broke out."
Person B: "Yeah, but I doubt he did it out of the goodness of his heart. He's just a skilled Skirt-Dodger trying to avoid getting caught and investigated further."
by ahundredovens July 25, 2023
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A subgenre of gaslighting where one person shifts the blame onto another by insisting that a series of events would have proceeded smoothly if the latter had executed things correctly. However, in reality, even if the second person had attempted to follow the correct order of events, it would have been futile due to the first person's avoidance.
A: "I was too afraid to ask you to stop making me the punchline of every joke, because if I did, I probably would've just been ignored or laughed at!"
B: "No we wouldn't. We would stop if you asked. It's your fault you didn't ask."

A: "B says that I wouldn't have overreacted if I had just asked them to stop making jokes about me in the beginning."
C: "Sounds like they've mastered the art of mislighting."
by ahundredovens October 11, 2023
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