5 definitions by adam the masta p playa

like if shit gets bad and someone pulls out a gun, then someone else pisses their pants, they r a flooder.
by adam the masta p playa March 9, 2003
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like if your bro gets his dick shot off and a dog starts eating it, youd call it a jankies situation.
by adam the masta p playa March 9, 2003
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an ugly ass ho thats comin your way about to hit on you and shit.
"bro, watch out theres a turnway comin!"
by adam the masta p playa March 9, 2003
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a weapon that causes large explosions and fucks people up.
that rocket launcher is my new bizoomer.
by adam the masta p playa March 9, 2003
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booty that members of the wu tang clan have "been all up inside of."
i was walkin down the street and i saww this biotch and my homy was like, "watch out that ho is a bootang."
by adam the masta p playa March 9, 2003
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