12 definitions by adam nicolia

a black rose was used by the sicilian mafia as a message. if you recieved a black rose it ment you pissed off the wrong peorson and you was ganna die very soon.
guido " hey mario i just got a black rose from adamo." mario " really ?what u want played at your funnerale?"
by adam nicolia May 14, 2008
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1 some one mixed with black and any other race 2 some one with a naturaul jerry curl , and or an afro on the chin ( the chin fro ).
the sicilian is the brotha of anotha color
by adam nicolia May 6, 2008
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a goatee worn by sicilians and other races mixed with black that looks like an afro on the chin
tom "hey bro love the goatee wat u call that " adam "my son calls it the chin fro" tom "man you realy pull that look off"
by adam nicolia May 7, 2008
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a goatee worn by sicilians and other races mixed with black that looks like an afro on the chin
tom "hey bro love the goatee wat u call that " adam "my son calls it the chin fro" tom "man you realy pull that look off"
by adam nicolia May 7, 2008
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some one that does not know how to act in groups or by themselves. some one that has not grown up mentaly . unable to see the wolrd from and adult point of wiew .the 40 yr old virgin still liven with mamma . a person that judges people by thiere ethnicity.
an adult that still throw a fit when they dont get thiere way is childesh
by adam nicolia April 13, 2008
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from the island of sicily , a mixter of african ,greek , egyption , and italian . altho italia owns the little island the sicilian is not considered italian the facial features of the sicilian more resemble that of african , also curly hair that look like a jerry curl, and can grow an afro on the chin (the chin fro). the sicilians look a lot like the egyptions. ( very few sicilians have blond hair but they do exist usualy having siblings with dark curly hair) . the racial slangs for a sicilian are , nigger, guinee, wop, the sicilian is well known for the mafia, pasta , and pizza
to call a sicilian italian or white is the biggest insult and will result in a fight.
by adam nicolia May 6, 2008
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this word is not used on italians but sicilians it started when the sicilians were brought here as slave labor for the white man. when the landed in new york staten island these three letters were stamped on the back of thier hands yes they mean "with out paper " later used as a racial slur like wet back
those stinken wops are taken all our jobs
by adam nicolia May 7, 2008
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