1 definition by actuary guy

An Actuary who shares similar views about food with Freegans.

An Actuary who loves to snack on free food in the office.

Their primary goal at the work place is to obtain free food, with their actual job being an ancillary effort.
A Snacktuary will eat four stale donuts left out over the weekend instead of having to pay for lunch.

A Snacktuary will skip going out to lunch because they filled up on candy, triscuits and cheese dip that were sitting out on someones desk.

Bob: "Are there any cookies left over there?"
Jim: "Nope, the Snacktuary got to them."

Bob: "You going out to lunch today?"
Snacktuary: "Oh, no lunch for me. Have you seen this place today?!? There's TONS of free food."
by actuary guy May 15, 2012
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