2 definitions by acoustnickguitar

The most amazing girl that you will ever come in contact with. She is the only girl that will ever be able to truly make you smile from the inside out. This girl has beautiful brown eyes, a perfect smile, and the most unique personality found in any girl in the world. She's made me the happiest guy in the world. I love her so much.
A: How are you and Sarah?

B: I've never been happier in my life than I am with her.
by acoustnickguitar August 31, 2011
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This girl is a psychic and has recently been accepted into Hogwarts. She's amazing, cute, and fabulously cool. She always knows how to make Mr. Soria really happy. The best girl to have a relationship with, because of her nerdiness, and disregard for what others think.
"Hey, like, did you, like, hear about Sarah, like, getting into Hogwarts?"

"Yeah, I heard she's also makes Mr. Soria really happy."

"Like, she must be, like, an amazing like girl."

"Mr. Soria thinks so."

by acoustnickguitar June 11, 2011
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