2 definitions by Zomboozy

Memes that originate from the "Irony Community" on Instagram. These memes sarcastically use overused/old jokes, or are completely weird, strange or random, and do not have much effort put into them. This is why they are called, "Ironic," they are sarcastically using old, overused, and shitty memes as if they were still funny.

They are also known as the "OC Mafia."
OC meaning Original Content.
Person 1: Favorite meme page?

Person 2: I got a couple.
and @spongebob.autism.420

Person 2: Don't they make ironic memes?

Person 1: Yeah, but you're too much of a normie to see the comedy behind the memes.
by Zomboozy April 9, 2019
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A common base for an Instagram usernames found in the "Irony Community."
Person 1: Hmmm, I want to make a meme page, should I have a Nigga Sex Time name?

Person 2: You're a part of the Ironic Community right?

Person 1: Yeah.

Person 2: Then you should make it @poopooniggasextime.
by Zomboozy April 9, 2019
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