3 definitions by Zarathaz

Cool, but spelled differently and sometimes used in mmorpg's
Person 1: Want to go to the park?
Person 2: I guess that's ko...
by Zarathaz March 30, 2006
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A put down or word used to show distress, kind of like shitty, but, you know, spelled differently.
John: My mom gave birth to a three eye'd mutant.
Brian: Damn that's shitteh bro.
by Zarathaz March 30, 2006
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Apparently this is an accurate description of the Universe, and the philosophical notions of Tao, but I haven't read the books yet. The word has a similar meaning to: Unsayaboutable, Unspeakaboutable, and Inconverseaboutable. The six syllables present in Untalkaboutable are said to coalesce the finite underpinnings of the Universe. Fuck, wait a second, syllables don't exist.
Student: "You just talked about Tao. Stop talking. It is untalkaboutable."

Philosophy Teacher: "Discussion presupposes that..."

by Zarathaz April 10, 2010
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