2 definitions by Your cool dad louis

Jack walten is married to rosemary walten and has 3 kids. Ed walten, molly walten, and sophie walten. He has a burger restaurant with his best friend Felix kranken. Jack walten went missing after Felix kranken Tokyo drifted because Ed and Molly were talking about fnaf gacha life videos and ended up killing them. Then his wife, rosemary walten gets dismembered like the spider in my bathroom and stuffed into a sheep animatronic named sha. People think jack is in the animatronic named bon but idk lol
Noob: Hey who's jack walten?

Fruit: a character from the walten files.

Noob: oh okay.... What's the walten files?

Fruit: files about the walten nah just kidding, it's a series on YouTube made by Martin walls.
by Your cool dad louis July 28, 2021
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A very cool person on tik tok that makes me happy everyday
Noob: Hey do you know Xxspxce_alienxX?

Very cool person: yeah they're my cousin
by Your cool dad louis July 28, 2021
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