2 definitions by Yo Boy, The Snake

Running in a line while getting smacked with pads. HARD. usually resulting in soreness, limping, back pain, shoulders dislocation, and broken fingers, toes Etc. Always resulting in pain.
"Time for the gauntlet!"

"Gautlet makes you stronger!"

"Dude, i hate when we run the gauntlet"

"I blacked out today doing the gauntlet and fumbled the ball, so i had to run a gaser!"-see Gaser
by Yo Boy, The Snake January 25, 2008
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A sprint for 50 yards and back twice.
"Thats a gaser!"
"If you dont learn your plays we will run gasers until i get tired!"
"Coach said were runnin 50 gasers"
by Yo Boy, The Snake January 21, 2008
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