10 definitions by Yacob


"Who's wogged my pencil case?"
by Yacob February 7, 2003
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Verb. to eat.
"lets go to the canteen, and get some munch"
by Yacob February 7, 2003
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A mildly stereotypical 'gangsta' greeting. Used more often by white boys.
Best pronounced "Boooooooooooooooom" followed by an Ali G-esque finger snap.
Can also replace the phrases "I emphatically agree" or "Thats the best news I heard for ages"


"Mate, I've just won the lottery"
by Yacob February 7, 2003
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An ungainly work colluege or associate. One who could be described as: dull, stupid (possibly to the point of retardation), ugly and boring
"Have you seen the new guy in the packing room?"
"Yes mate, complete ganner."
by Yacob February 5, 2003
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a boy with a head so big that when he tries to go into a ten foot cave his head gets stuck
by Yacob July 29, 2004
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munched up

"I wanna go to the canteen and get proper munched up, I'm fuckin starvin!"
by Yacob February 7, 2003
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General allrounder. Used in coversation when one or parties concerned can't be bother to actually make conversation. Used widely on "King of the Hill" when the guys are all drinking beer and shooting the breeze.
by Yacob February 7, 2003
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