2 definitions by Xx_Gatlin_Xx

The only YouTuber who can actually make someone die of laughter. Recently started to blow up (January 29th) And plays with others such as Fitz. He has he funniest sense of humor!
ShitBird: I never Laugh

Fuckface: Watch this video by raccoon eggs.

ShitBird: *Shits on desk*
by Xx_Gatlin_Xx January 29, 2019
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A weird symbol that cool 2nd graders are drawing because there the dopest kids ever.
Bob - *Draws 3 lines on top and 3 on bottom*
Stacy - what the doo doo is that?
Bob - you haven’t heard? I’m the coolest kid.
Stacy - what are you drawing?
Bob - A Stussy
by Xx_Gatlin_Xx November 5, 2018
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