2 definitions by Xerkies

A cringe video that shows that 95% of those are irrelevant YouTubers, contains most of it that are Fortnite dances, and doesn't even contain most of the stuff that actually happen in 2018. Also it gained 6.6 M dislikes in 4 days and is the most fastest disliked video. It's the 2nd most disliked video.
9 year old: Have you watched YouTube Rewind 2018?
Another 9 year old: Yes and it's horrible! Pewdiepie wasn't in it! YouTube is so disconnected with their viewers!!!
by Xerkies December 10, 2018
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A recently discovered element which contains all the things that you dislike like One Piece.
Did you know Fortnite contains 100% Midium?
by Xerkies February 20, 2022
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