28 definitions by Wypipo whisperer

An infusion of emotions, wherein you "get it all out" through a time tested process of anal retentive discourse.
"we talked it all out, Jared was just constipated and grumpy, he needed his emotional enema that i normally give to him at 6 PM every night"
by Wypipo whisperer September 8, 2020
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Mass murder conducted "with the best of intentions for the people we choose to bomb", typically by the western powers.
"this humanitarian warfare is necessary to secure profits... Umm... I mean freedom, for the people we are about to bomb" - Joe Biden
by Wypipo whisperer October 18, 2020
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A Woodchipper Rights Activist is one who believes that all people deserve the right to leap headfirst into a woodchipper and if the "evil government" stops them from doing so, the fact they were stopped from leaping headfirst into a woodchipper is "the worst kind of tyranny". To make matters worse, the woodchipper rights activists are often taken to hospitals after their brushes with woodchippers, either due to injury or suspected mental health issues, which doubles up on the tyranny, and the encounter becomes the "WORST worst kind of tyranny" , doubling up on the worst's and capitalizing on them as well. Woodchipper rights activists can be seen about noon, rousing from sleep in their parents basement to declare literally everything thats ever been done is "the worst kind of tyranny"
"bruh, that woodchipper rights activist damn near died yesterday. He just tries to leap into the woodchipper to prove he has real freedom"
by Wypipo whisperer September 16, 2020
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A fruit loop freak out is a category 5 freak out by a person who ia mentally unstable. Typically, a fruit-loop freak-out involves screaming, crying, threatening, and periodically stopping to screech "WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY FRUIT LOOPS?!?"

We all love fruit loops, but not so much as a fruit-loop freaker
He destroyed the house in a Fruit-Loop Freak-Out
by Wypipo whisperer November 30, 2020
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L-B-I-G-O-T Men often engage in casual misogyny. While L-B-I-G-O-T Women do the misogyny less, Both sexes participate in casual racism as well, and often engage in hating on the poor because its a nice reprieve from racism and misogyny sometimes
"THAT L-B-I-G-O-T man was harassing another straight man for being black. The world is on crazy pills"
by Wypipo whisperer April 5, 2022
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The home of the #2 guy in the United States Of America, Right after the all important Military Industrial Complex.
Trump spent a stint in the White OutHouse after eating way too much mcdonalds in 2015
by Wypipo whisperer November 30, 2020
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When you 100%, totally have The Rona, and its certifiable
"its a Rona fide illness"
by Wypipo whisperer September 8, 2020
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