2 definitions by WordBoss3

An ever evolving term for everything about White Women that everyone doesn’t like. It started out as a term for an angry entitled Woman. Someone who was made to wait in line for too long and talked out loud about it. It is now a term used to describe all white women who dare to speak up for themselves.
Ok Karen, so this guy ran over your dog with his Lincoln Contentinel SUV!… have I got that right? , what was your dog doing in the road? And let me tell you how many ways I can charge you?
by WordBoss3 March 10, 2023
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Watermelons are a lucky fruit. If a watermelon has come into life you are a lucky person. Enjoy this fruit as you would a dip in a cool pool of water while being served honey from the Sun.
And they served watermelon to me.
by WordBoss3 March 10, 2023
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