129 definitions by Wizards Sleeve

Military. A very unpleasant thing. So named from squadie wanking contests. The resulting 'barrack room biscuit' is covered in a lot of spoodge (and is usually force fed to the last man to shoot).
Dude 1: "D'ya see that chick's face in 'Bukkake Cum-fest Volume 9'? What a mess!"
Dude 2: "Yeah, Dawg. Bad as a barrack room biscuit."
by Wizards Sleeve October 1, 2006
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Extremely offensive slang name for a woman.
Dude 1: "You been to Accounts Department lately?"
Dude 2: "Yeah Dawg. I seen that new fuck dustbin they got - she is gross."
by Wizards Sleeve June 26, 2007
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The nipples found on a milf.

Though usually battle damaged from tit-feeding babies, these glorious little puppy noses are a real man's delicacy.
Wow, did you see the milfnips on Estelle! The air-con must have been set to Arctic-blast in her MPV on the school run today.
by Wizards Sleeve May 30, 2005
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A spherical see-through plastic ball in which you can place your hamster. The rodent can then navigate around your house, getting exercise.

One branch of modern philosophy asserts that everyone exists in a set of concentric hamster balls. The wider your world, the bigger the ball is. If you are depressive then your ball is very small. The challenge is to make your ball as big as possible. Eventually your hamster ball is so big you are no longer aware of it and you are free.
Psychiatrist: "Tell me about your worries."

Patient: "Man, my world is shit. My hamster ball is so small, I feel so bad. I know some fag is gonna stick me up his sorry ass one day."
by Wizards Sleeve June 18, 2005
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An instruction given by a porn star to a co-star in order to get him to lose his mess over her face.
Porn Star (Female): "Come on you bastad! Frost this face you cock monkey!"
Porn Star (Male): "Eeuuuuuuuuurrrghh ... one load of jizz ... coming up!" <SPOODGE>"
by Wizards Sleeve January 15, 2007
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Another name for a camel toe.

When a chick's pants or knickers or swim-suit is sooo tight that she splits her beaver for you to see.
"Sweet Jesus, that slut give herself a damn fine front wedgie. Man I could count her pubes."
by Wizards Sleeve July 2, 2006
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Another word for an erection. This is a measure of hardness of the boner. On the grounds that a Chinese word search is pretty damn hard, then if you are as hard as one then you have a very fine erection.
Dude 1: "Whoa man! Did you see that chick's hooters?"
Dude 2: "No shit! I'm hard as a Chinese word search!"
by Wizards Sleeve January 4, 2007
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