3 definitions by Willy McPhilly

The spanish word for backpack party. A backpack party is a gathering of people who celbrate by sticking a Kalib in a backpack and beatin him with the broad side of a sword. Then they take Kalib out and say sorry. In the end every body is very happy. :)

P.S. Alex needs a speech therapist.
"Hey Kalib! You want to have Mochilla Fiesta after work today?"

by Willy McPhilly May 7, 2006
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A little "special" boy who can have anything he wishes for. Once he wished that Africa would look like a smiley face and that in the eyes would live a civilization of goat-people. Gaba is always happy and has a very "cute" hair dew. Although he can have anything he wishes for he cannot control what he wishes for because he is a retard.
"Gaba, please help me. My wife has AIDS, HIV and Leprecy. My son also has no balls. Can you please help my family. We are all in excrusiating pain. Please save my family by wishing that we are all healthy."

"I want a mochilla fiesta!"
by Willy McPhilly May 7, 2006
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Jim Thorpe was the forst man to plot out a map of Willy's Anus but Poo Poo Jimica was the first man the venture into the unknown region. This massive canyon was created by the Mississippi River. After it was mapped out the Knomes moved in by the thousands and then the millions. They now live scattered across the countryside.
"Hey Honey look what a great deal I found on Expieda. It is a 2 star hotel in Willy's Anus."
by Willy McPhilly May 7, 2006
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