12 definitions by Willllly

A charming good looking guy

They are the best friends you could ever have, girls easily fall for them and they're always fair in complexion
Go get yourself a Wills
First person: Have you met Wills?
Second person: no why?
First person: That guy is a hottie.
by Willllly March 27, 2021
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A very stunning man with amazing abs and very large testicles. Wilder can swoop up girls whenever and wherever he wants. He is very rich and excels at video games and getting dates. If you have anwilder in your life, then ask him on a date today. He will most likely say yes and show you his massive testicles.
Hey man that guy is really a wilder!
by Willllly November 26, 2018
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When u have erectional disfunction and ur girl squeeze it
I had a horrible jigglenanny last night!
by Willllly November 26, 2018
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