1 definition by WheekWheekPig

An easy task going publically wrong. Especially when a public figure (politician, news reporter, celebrity, athlete etc.) messes up a seemingly easy task which results in a negative outcome. Usually something that should be celebratory, positive, or is intended to make them look good or gather support to their cause and they wind up looking foolish or careless and their intention backfires. Origins: from Mayor De Blasio dropping the groundhog "Charlotte" in Staten Island event February 2, 2014 and causing the animal to die a week later due to internal injuries.
"When he touched all the microphones, Rudy Gobert was sure dropping the groundhog." (March 2020 Gobert indended to make a point about the overreaction to coronavirus and wound up infecting himself and getting the NBA season cancelled).
by WheekWheekPig April 23, 2020
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