2 definitions by Wellnut

Darkfrieze is a state of mind, in this state you become the master of all game balance, ascending to godhood and with you all knowing knowledge and power you delete every single character in the game. Relieved you Queue for another match.
by Wellnut September 17, 2021
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The world lived in peace then everything changed when the salad-men attacked.
Now ChonkeCheeze master of all 4 cheeses must save the world.
He must travel the lands looking for his masters: Mozzarella, Feta, Cheddar and Parmesan who will teach him the ways of cheese bending.
ChonkeCheeze attacks Kale-Man with Cheddar Shot. Deals 15 Damage
Kale-Man has died due to increased cholesterol
by Wellnut April 3, 2021
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