1 definition by WeAllKnowThatJerk

Positive traits: Extremely high intelligence, extremely observant and perceptive to details, possesses creative imagination, keen ability to focus and concentrate outside of exterior distractions, keen ability to understand and predict human behavior, extremely developed ability to make connections using seemingly unrelated data

Negative traits: Inability to empathize with others, disregard for authority, high level of stubbornness, narcissistic, inability to properly deal with emotions, inability to properly deal with boredom, ignorance of common sense and simple knowledge, tendency to overthink and/or overanalyze, inability to conform to social norms

Notes: Zal is not your typical hero; he's sexist, rude, racist, and selfish. Zal frequently shows off his cunning and biting wit and enjoys picking people apart and mocking their weaknesses.
By Zal's own admission he's a "sarcastic ass''
by WeAllKnowThatJerk April 12, 2014
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