3 definitions by Wagwanfamlikepeppapig

One of the best MC's in the galaxy likee.
Real name in the show: Tony Zograffos
Mates with: DJ Decoy, DJ Steves, DJ Beats, Chabuddy G, DJ Fantasy, Weapon X.

Married to: Miche Zograffos
Daughter (?): Angel

from People Just Do Nothing on BBC. Played by Allan Mustafa.
Person 1: You know MC Grindah?
Person 2: yeah
Person 1: they've released a mix tape on spotify
Person 2: rahhh ok
by Wagwanfamlikepeppapig March 2, 2021
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The thing you are one right now...

A website that is used to search for the word of 'slang' or, as the name states, urban words.
person 1: Hey have you seen Urban Dictionary!?
person 2: No? What is it?
person 1: A place to search up slang or urban words you div
person 2; Oh! ill go check this out! Thanks mate! If its shit ill kill you.
person 1: WELL IT AINT FAM
by Wagwanfamlikepeppapig November 8, 2018
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A big fat hairy cock. Usually used to be rude to others.
Person 1: yo fam u a dabudee
Person 2: oi u mean
by Wagwanfamlikepeppapig November 8, 2018
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