6 definitions by VoiDeD

(Comp Sci.)
A measure of computer memory or storage, a kilobyte (KB or Kbyte*) is approximately a thousand bytes (actually, 2 to the 10th power, or decimal 1,024 bytes).
I downloaded a 4kb large file.
So it is approximately 4096 bytes.
by VoiDeD May 1, 2005
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(Comp Sci.)
A measure of computer memory or disk space consisting of about one thousand million bytes (a thousand megabytes). The actual value is 1,073,741,824 bytes (1,024 megabytes).
I downloaded at 1gBps.
Which is approximately 1,024 mBps.
by VoiDeD May 1, 2005
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(Comp Sci.)
1024 Kilobytes, written mB used to refer to size of files or media such as hard drives. Refers to amount of information in a file, or how much information can be contained on a Hard Drive or Disk. Also 1,048,576 bytes.
I downloaded at 4mBps.
Which is approximately 4096 kilobytes.
by VoiDeD May 1, 2005
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(Comp Sci.)
Approximately one thousand bits, or exactly 1 bit x 210 (1,024) bits. 240 kilobits per second means 240,000 bits of information are being transmitted over a network per second (240 Kbps). Recall that 8 bits comprise a byte.

Bit = b
Byte = B

kBps (Kilobytes Per Second)
kbps (Kilobits Per Second)
I downloaded at 50kbps.
Which is approximatly 50,000 Bits per second.
by VoiDeD May 1, 2005
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(Comp Sci.)
Amount of memory equal to 1024 Megabits (1,073,741,824 bits) of information. Abbreviated gb.

gb = Gigabit
gB = Gigabyte

gbps (Gigabits Per Second)
gBps (Gigabytes Per Second)
I downloaded at 3gbps.
Which is approximately 3072 mbps.
by VoiDeD May 1, 2005
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(Comp Sci.)
Equal to 1,048,576 bits, though commonly referred to as one million bits. Abbreviated as mb.

mB = Megabyte
mb = Megabit

mBps (Megabytes Per Second)
mbps (Megabits Per Second)
I downloaded at 6mbps.
Which is approximately 6,291,456 bits.
by VoiDeD May 1, 2005
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