9 definitions by Vivec

One of the best rock banks ever formed. They have made many great songs including: Cities on Flame, Don't Fear (The Reaper), Burnin For You, Perfect Water, amongst many others.
A Long Day's Night DVD is t3h pwnag3!!!
by Vivec March 15, 2004
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One of the greatest on-line MMPORPG (Masively Multiplayer Online RPG). It is completely Java, yet 3-D. Extremely addictive and they are coming out with a completely 3-D version soon.
Runescape pwns j00 n00bz0r!!!
by Vivec March 16, 2004
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My gay friend said: 'In my backyard, I have a HUGE pinus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111one'

I said: "I prefer oak."
by Vivec May 2, 2004
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Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks.

2. Commonly know as, the devil.
1. SATAN kept me secure in the mid 1990's.

2. Hail Satan!
by Vivec May 15, 2005
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What you say to somone when you want them to give you a felacio a.k.a blowjob
by Vivec May 8, 2004
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The nucleic acid used to perform catalyctic activity. It can form double helix shapes, or completely random shapes made of multiple strands.
That geneticist pwns because he organized the RNA of that cell.
by Vivec March 16, 2004
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