3 definitions by Uykithemcflurry

There are two definitions.
1. Yes but with more swagger
2. When Mrs. Crisp is peeved
“Wow mrs crisp is YISSSED”
“YISSSS!! I got the beans!!”
by Uykithemcflurry August 18, 2019
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he is a beautiful person who'll you unconditionally. She'll break someone's knees for you! She's the girl you think about all the time. You'll envie her for the rest of your life becaus she is so talented! You wish you could be with her every second of every day and when you're apart you think of her. She makes your heart flutter and gives you shortness of breath. You only wish that you could give back the same love she give to you
She has such passion for the things she loves and when She goes on a tangent about something that doesn't really matter to you she somehow pulls your interest. She has a very good heart so whenever you're down she'll pick you back up again. She has the most beautiful eyes that you could just get lost in they are so full of love. She is so beautiful and you could just sit and look at her no words needed but her voice is so lovely that you want to hear it. Her voice is such a sound and when she starts talking it's always something interesting, even when it's not you could just listen to her talk for hours on end! You'll never get tired of her and even if you do you know you can't live without her. She'll be such a big part of your life, such a big part. She will tell you "I love you" before you go to sleep and you can help but say it back to her because she's so wonderful
She's a rare gift that should be treasured by each and every person who meets her. You'll love her with all your heart because she's yours! she will love you forever and alway
Yassss it's Meggie/Megan/Darling!!

Meggie/Megan/Darling will break you if you hurt her friends
by Uykithemcflurry October 24, 2018
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Like spectator but better and with more elbows!

Also often used by 75 year old man, Mr. Wessman
"Trés trés scoosh!"
"Oh oh oh! Doctor scoosh!"
"Scoosh woosh moosh!"
by Uykithemcflurry February 13, 2020
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