3 definitions by Tyxy7

A club of people who kick balls as sport and whine when touched the wrong way
Bob: FUCK why did you kick me in the balls you bitch!
John: sorry, I’m in FIFA
by Tyxy7 July 20, 2022
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The sport of kidnapping wild animals, objects and other random shit and stuffing them in your balls, only to force them into fights with other wild shit and other kidnapped’s beasts.
Person A: What is your hobby?
Me :Pokémon Catching
by Tyxy7 July 20, 2022
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Word people use in replacement of shit when they are too scared to swear
One peaceful day at fight club

*John throws a right hook and gives Bob a black eye*
Bob: You freaking piece of turd!!!
John: excuse me? Freak? Turd?
Bob: yea, my mom would kill me if I said a bad word
Bob’s mom from the audience: FUCK YOU, YOU TATTLETALE!!! SNITCHES GET STITCHES!!!!
by Tyxy7 July 20, 2022
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