2 definitions by Tylerthecreatorloverr

Genell is so annoying. Do not tell a Genell anything bc she will tell everyone. Don't trust her with your secrets. Genell will get on your nerves everyday. Genell always starts rumors. Genell can never shut her mouth. Genell talks about everybody. Don't ever trust Genell
"Genell is always being so annoying"

"Genell gets me so mad sometimes"
by Tylerthecreatorloverr September 10, 2022
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Nevaeh's are really funny people like once you meet a Nevaeh there is never a day she wont make you laugh. Nevaeh's are sometimes always messing things up for themselves. Once Nevaeh's get in a relationship there very loving and they will really care about you. Once someone leaves a Nevaeh's life Nevaeh will not stop thinking about them and cant get them off there mind. AND THEY REALLY LOVE MUSIC A LOT
"Nevaeh is always making me laugh"
"Nevaeh always makes me laugh in class"
"Nevaeh loves music"
by Tylerthecreatorloverr September 8, 2022
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