1 definition by TrulySadBoi

Koyak mean in official language of Malay is tear or tore in english .

But in Malay slang it often being used to describe people who can't handle critism and easily frustrated ,triggered , or currently angry ( hypersensitive , moody , squeamish , angry )

scenario 2 :
Eng : Trump is someone who's easy to koyak over a mere joke .
Malay : Trump dokleh bowok gurau ( Terengannu Slang )
scenario 1 :

John is koyak after being annoyed by people at media social .

scenario 2 :
Trump is someone who's easy to koyak over a mere joke .

scenario 3 :

BIG SMOKE : HAHA , koyak xD
by TrulySadBoi May 16, 2021
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