3 definitions by Todaxi Supporter

Anne is a very annoying perfectionist, she doesn't want any mistakes. I bet her mom didn't either but here we are. Her friend Anna is a very cool, and very short version of her. But that's for another day.
Laurits : Have you seen Anne?
Anna : Yeah she needs to get a life, and stop being so fucking perfect all the time.
by Todaxi Supporter September 6, 2021
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Todaxi is a transgendered great-cousin who was a male when she was born.
''I have a todaxi, she is really nice!''

''My todaxi is a drag queen!''
by Todaxi Supporter February 20, 2020
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A Laurits is a very gay man, he will always ask for a handy or a fucking blowjob.
Anne : That man is absolutely fucking disgusting.
Anna : Yeah, he must be a Laurits
by Todaxi Supporter September 6, 2021
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