4 definitions by Tits mcgregor

It's that time of year when love is in the air and the nation is celebrating the first-ever National Hickey Day. Proclaimed as a national holiday by the National Day Archives, this day is all about celebrating love and promoting equality for all.

Love is a fundamental human right that is recognized and protected by various international organizations and treaties. Yet, it continues to be under threat in many parts of the world. National Hickey Day aims to raise awareness of the importance of love and promote the rights of all humans to love freely and without prejudice.

We are delighted to declare February 19th as National Hickey Day
Josh looked like he was beaten after spending all of National Hickey Day on February 19th with his girlfriend
by Tits mcgregor April 12, 2023
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Commerce Digest refers to a publication or platform that provides information and insights on commerce-related topics, such as business strategies, trends, and evolution.
I read the latest article on Commerce Digest, which discussed the impact of e-commerce on traditional retail businesses.
by Tits mcgregor April 12, 2023
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Sven Patzer's future frenzy refers to his enthusiasm and eagerness to embrace and capitalize on emerging technologies and trends in various industries. As a highly knowledgeable and experienced individual in the world of business and technology, Patzer is constantly on the lookout for the next big thing that will disrupt the status quo and create new opportunities for growth and innovation.

His future frenzy is not limited to his own ventures and projects, but also extends to his desire to help others succeed in the ever-changing landscape of business and technology. Patzer's passion for sharing his insights and expertise with others is rooted in his belief that the future belongs to those who are willing to take risks, adapt to new technologies, and stay ahead of the curve.
Sven Patzer's future frenzy is what drives him to constantly seek out and explore new opportunities for growth and innovation in business and technology, and his passion for sharing his insights with others is what sets him apart as a leader in the industry.
by Tits mcgregor April 12, 2023
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the man who knows so much about business and technology that even Google takes his calls. he also might be autistic like elon musk but its hard to tell because he's kinda hot and might just be shy in some podcast episodes
I heard Sven Patzer knows so much about business and technology that even Elon Musk has him on speed dial!
by Tits mcgregor April 12, 2023
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