3 definitions by Timziski


When you telling your friends how a date or when you randomly met a chiq/guy..."we totally had an AMOS"

Guy:"so how have you been lately?"
Girl: good, bla bla bla bla bla
"you both laugh"
Guy: sooo....=p
by Timziski June 22, 2011
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1) "We totally had an AMOS..."

2)Type it on a failed status update with no comment
by Timziski June 8, 2011
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When you are dating and things aren't going so good
Dude am totally in a Relationshit at the moment

I want to get out of this Relationshit

hahaha am so sorry for you dude, but you gotta get out of that Relationshit
by Timziski June 23, 2011
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