3 definitions by Thomaso von Matterhorn

Commonly known as humanity's worst streamer. Rose to fame through cheating in video games when playing against another, far more popular, streamer called KristianKrake. KristianKrake still outshines him to this day, even though he vanished from Twitch and YouTube.
The only thing Whizzski ever did successfully was convincing everyone he had a girlfriend. To this day, critics -which in his case are everyone on earth and in an area of 24 light years in diameter around it- claim her face and voice were and are deep faked.
A: "Have you ever heard of a guy called Whizzski?"
B: "I somehow only have a deeply ingrained memory of him in KristianKrake's kill feed..."


A: "Do you know who Whizzski is?"
B: "I would rather die than know him."
by Thomaso von Matterhorn October 15, 2022
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A person who was born with a normal-sized penis, but then grew a huge vagina during their puberty.
A: “Have you seen that guy over there?”
B: “ Yeah bro! That’s Thudus with his ginormous vagina!”
by Thomaso von Matterhorn April 16, 2022
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Used for guys who “run like girls” or can’t run in general.
A: “Have you seen Mutschi over there?”
B: “Yeah, who runs like that?!”
by Thomaso von Matterhorn April 16, 2022
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